Children Zone

School Songs
We have worked with the wonderful Katie Doherty to plan, write and perform a school song that becomes our anthem for the year. The children really enjoy singing these songs and they can now practice these at home.
Dojo House Points
In Wheatley Hill Primary School, we think it's very important to work hard and try our best all the the time. As a reward for doing this, our teachers award us Dojo Points. These are counted up each week and the winning class is announced in assembly. The class with the most points at the end of a term receives a fantastic surprise. Good Luck!
Article 15 ' Right to join groups.'
Red Team
Blue Team

Green Team

Yellow Team
Homework Links
As well as reading your book each night and learning your spellings, your class teachers would also like you to use our online Homework program called TimesTable Rock Stars, Accelerated Reader & Accelerated Maths.
Visiting these websites, you can practice your spelling and maths skills. You will earn points by spending time using these and you will get your name mentioned in our Celebration Assembly. Good Luck
Online Worry Box
In Wheatley Hill Primary School, we think it's very important that all of the children in school feel happy, comfortable and safe. We are very lucky in school because we have the wonderful Miss Hodgkinson, whose role is to help boys and girls when they feel upset, anxious or worried about something. Miss Hodgkinson is always in school and often on the School yard every morning and evening so she is easy to find if you need to talk to her about something. There is also a worry box and you can even use the form below to send her a message directly.
Note - children should enter as e-mail address.