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 Pupil Voice 

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Welcome to the Pupil Voice section of our school website. This section of the website belongs to the pupils of Wheatley Hill Primary School and it is a place where they can make their voice heard and show how they take a lead role in the management of our school. The children are involved in school leadership and take part in making crucial school decisions. Children are involved in budget spending choices, teacher recruitment and their opinions are sought when any significant changes are to be made in school. This section of the website shows some of the pupils achievements and targets for the School Council. 

School Council

What is our School Council model?

Our School Council model involves all pupils in our school. It has three different elements: 

  • Class meetings: Short, regular, structured and pupil-led meetings in every class.

  • Action teams: Any student can set up an action team based on an idea or issue that they have. 

  • Communication Team: Brings the whole model together, facilitates wide involvement and tracks progress/impact. 

Current Action Groups

  • Attendance Team - Helping to improve school attendance.

  • Pupil Leadership Team  - A team involved in school leadership & Improvement including lesson observations & moderations.

  • Science Ambassadors - A team working alongside Durham University to improve and develop school Science.

  • Mini - Police & Junior Road Safety - A group supporting safety within school & the local community.

  • First Aid Team - A well trained group of children, who have learnt First Aid and help staff throughout school.

  • Eco - Team  - A team that supports regular litter picks, monitors energy use and looks after the local environment.

Attendance Team

A team within our School Council is our Attendance Team. The Attendance Team is a group of children, staff and a lead governor, who meet to discuss school attendance. The group works together to identify opportunities to improve attendance and discuss rewards for excellent attenders.

Current Action Groups

Pupil Leadership Team

A team within our School Council is our Pupil Leadership Team. The Pupil Leadership Team is a group of children, staff and a lead governor, who meet to discuss whole school issues, projects and aspects of the school development plan. The group works together to identify opportunities to improve our school.

Current Action Groups

Science Ambassadors

A team within our School Council is our Science Ambassadors. The Science Ambassadors are a group of children, staff and a lead governor, who meet to promote & develop Science in school. The group works together to identify opportunities to improve & promote our school Science as well as supporting other schools.

Current Action Groups

Mini - Police

A team within our SMART School Council is our Mini - Police Team. The Mini-Police Team is a group of children, staff and a lead governor, who meet to discuss supporting pupil behaviour, resilience and pupil support in school. The group works together to identify opportunities to improve pupil behaviour, attitudes and to support school day-day operations. 

Current Action Groups

First Aid Team

A team within our School Council is our First Aid Team. The First Aid Team is a group of children, staff and a lead governor, who meet to discuss & review school First Aid. The group works together to identify training, support and changes that can be made to improve school first aid procedures.

Current Action Groups

Eco -  Team

A team within our School Council is our Eco Team. The EcoTeam is a group of children, staff and a lead governor, who meet to discuss & identify opportunities to improve our school & community environments. 

Current Action Groups

Pupil Blog

Read our Pupil Blog to find out about some of the exciting things that we have been doing in school. You would be surprised how much we get up to at Wheatley Hill Primary.

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Contact Details


Head Teacher - Mr Alan Scarr

Wheatley Hill Primary School, Wheatley Hill, Durham, DH63RQ

Tel - 01429 820594


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