School Information

Wheatley Hill Primary School will endeavor to prepare children for a successful and satisfying life in the twenty first century. We will seek to ensure that within the school, both adults and children will learn together and that each individual will reach their full potential. We believe that for learning to be successful children must merge what they learn within the classroom with real life experiences and rich learning opportunities outside of the classroom. Life is the best teacher. In order to live up to the above, we aim to:
Create a friendly, open, caring and honest environment where the children feel confident, valued and motivated to learn.
To continually improve the quality of teaching and learning and offer approaches and resources that promote inclusion and extend valuable learning experiences.
Offer a high quality curriculum, scaffolded to meet the needs of all our pupils, demonstrating a commitment to equality of opportunity for all.
Ensure fair and appropriate treatment for everyone.
Encourage children to take responsibility for their own actions to help them become contributing citizens of a well-ordered society.
To provide the highest possible standard of education through a broad, balanced and enjoyable curriculum appropriate to each individual.
Create an environment where children feel valued and in which they can develop a positive self-image.
Encourage not only academic values, but also those pertaining to cultural and moral issues.
Provide a challenging, engaging curriculum offering a broad range of learning opportunities within and outside of the classroom.
Develop resilience and risk taking, allowing children and staff to experience success and failure.
Teach children to think about themselves and others, both inside and outside of the school community.
Prepare children to become active members of their community and develop an appreciation of other cultures. Celebrating the diversity which our pupils and their families bring to school life and the diversity around us in our region, country and world!
Staffing Structure
In this section you will meet the wonderful staff members at Wheatley Hill Primary School. Here you will find out about all of the staff members that work in school and what their responsibilities are. A welcome from the headteacher is also included.
School Performance
Our school is very proud of how hard the children work and how fantastically they achieve. In this section you will find links to our most recent Ofsted report and school performance data.
Within this section of our website, you will be able to find out key information about our approaches to keeping children safe in school including Safeguarding, Prevent, Equality and British Values.
School Premiums
Every school is given a school budget to use effectively to support the teaching and learning. Schools are also given additional funds to develop school sports and also to support children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Info on this spending can be found here.
The School Governing Body
The school governing body is very proud of our fantastic school. In this section you will find out about the make up of the school governing body. You will also discover a little more about each of our amazing governors and about their role in supporting the school.
In school, we work extremely hard to ensure that all children make excellent progress. In order to achieve this, we use a range of assessment approaches to track children's progress academically, socially and emotionally.
School Policies
In this section you will find online versions of all of our school policies including teaching & learning, assessment and safeguarding policies. Policies are generally reviewed annually and updates will be made when required.
The Future Sounds Good
We couldn't be more pleased with the excellent work carried out by all those in school. However, we always look for ways to improve and develop our school in the future. In this section you will find our school development plans and information about any new initiatives.
School Transport Info
Our school operates an effective home-school transport service, where vehicles are appropriately managed, maintained and safety standards upheld. Find out more.